2. Teori Singkat
DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) server digunakan untuk memberikan IP address kepada workstation atau mesin-mesin yang memerlukan IP address secara otomatis.
Linux Debian telah menyediakan server dan client DHCP, sehingga Anda dapat menjadikan Linux sebagai server DHCP yang menentukan konfigurasi jaringan client-nya atau sebagai DHCP client yang mengambil informasi konfigurasi dari server lainnya.
3. Alat dan Bahan
1) 2 buah unit komputer.
2) CD#2 Linux Debian
4. Langkah Kerja
1) Hidupkan komputer server, dan login sebagai root.
2) Masukan CD#2 Linux Debian
3) Untuk melakukan pemeriksaan paket yang tedapat pada CD#2 Linux Debian , ketikan baris perintah berikut:
# apt-cdrom add
4) Selanjutnya ketikan baris perintah berikut untuk melakukan install paket dhcp:
# apt-get install dhcpd
5) System akan melakukan proses penginstalan.
6) Langkah selanjutnya adalah buka file dhcpd.conf dengan perintah:
#nano /etc/dhcpd.conf
7) Berikut ini adalah contoh file dhcpd.conf yang sederhana:
default-lease-time 3600;
max-lease-time 7200;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name “”;
subnet netmask {
8) Kemudian restart dhcp dengan perintah:
/etc/init.d/dhcp restart
HOW To install DHCP Server
1. Brief theory
DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) server used to provide IP addresses to workstations or machines that need an IP address automatically.
Linux Debian has provided a DHCP server and client, so you can make Linux as a DHCP server that determines its client network configuration or as a DHCP client that takes configuration information from other servers.
2. Tools and Materials :
1) 2 computer units.
2) CD # 2 Linux Debian
3. Working Step :
1) Turn on the computer server, and login as root.
2) Insert the CD # 2 Linux Debian
3) To examine the artifacts package on CD # 2 Linux Debian , type the following command line:
# Apt-cdrom add
4) Then type the following command line to install the dhcp package:
# Apt-get install dhcpd
5) The system will perform the installation process.
6) The next step is to open the dhcpd.conf file with the command:
# Nano / etc / dhcpd.conf
7) The following is a sample dhcpd.conf file is simple:
default-lease-time 3600;
max-lease-time 7200;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name "";
subnet netmask {
8) Then restart dhcp with the command:
/ Etc / init.d / dhcp restart
1. Buka wizard dengan mengklik "Start", lalu arahkan ke "Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> Backup". "Backup or Restore Wizart" akan terbuka.
2. Klik "Advanced Mode" yang ada di halaman depan "Backup or Restore Wizard".
3. Klik tab "Backup". Centang folder atau file yang hendak Anda backup di bagian "Click to select the checkbox for any drive, folder or file that yout want to back up".
4. Di bagian "Backup destination", biasanya "File" sudah disorot secara default. Ini membuat backup file atau folder tadi dalam bentuk file. Bila ingin membackupnya ke tempat lain, pilih tape device yang Anda inginkan.
5. Jika tadi Anda membackup file dan folder menjadi file, di bagian "Backup media or file name" ketikkan path, atau klik "Browse", dan pilih lokasinya. Namun jika Anda membackup di file dan folder ke tape, klik tape yang hendak digunakan.
6. Anda dapat menentukan opsi tambahan untuk backup, seperti tipe backup atau tipe log file, dengan membuka menu "Tools", dan memilih "Options". Setelah selesai, klik "OK".
7. Klik "Start Backup". Bila diperlukan, Anda bisa membuat perubahan pada kotak dialog "Backup Job Information". Atau jika Anda ingin membuat opsi lebih lanjut, seperti verifikasi data atau kompresi hardware, klik "Advanced". Klik "Start Backup" untuk memulai backup.
1. Open the wizard by clicking "Start", then navigate to "Programs>> Accessories> System Tools> Backup." "Backup or Restore Wizart" will open.
2. Click the "Advanced Mode" which is on the front page "Backup or Restore Wizard".
3. Click the tab "Backup". Check the folders or files you want to backup in the "Click to select the checkbox for any drives, folders or files That Yout Want To back up".
4. In the "Backup destination", usually "File" is highlighted by default. This makes the backup files or folders were in the form of a file. If you want backing it to another location, select the tape device you want.
5. If you had been backing up files and folders into the file, in the "Backup media or file name" type the path, or click "Browse" and select the location. But if you're backing up the files and folders to a tape, click the tape you want to use.
6. You can specify additional options for backup, such as the backup type or types of log files, by opening the "Tools" menu, and select "Options". When finished, click "OK".
7. Click the "Start Backup". If necessary, you can make changes to the dialog box "Backup Job Information". Or if you want to create further options, such as data verification or hardware compression, click the "Advanced". Click the "Start Backup" to start the backup.
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